10.22 Catalogs

Catalog's are FastClose "secret sauce". They describe the structure of tables in your ERP and the relationships between them. They decribe the dimensions that you see in the user interface and the cubes that reports are based upon.

Expand "Connection" on the left hand side and click "Catalogs".

You might see something that looks like this:


Here two catalogs are defined, both for Epicor, one for version 9 and one for version 10. It is possible to have catalogs configured for completely different ERPs, but this is unusual.

FastClose ships with catalogs already defined and ready to use, it is just necessary to configure them. If that has not already been done, click "Discover New Catalogs" which will find the catalogs shipped with FastClose. The catalog file describes the tables and relationships within your ERP. It is named to indicate the ERP name as well as the major version of the ERP.

Untick the catalogs you do not need and click "Add Selected Catalog Files" to add any others.


Catalog Overrides

Sometimes, working with a customer FastClose identifies some new tables that the customer would like to work with, or something unusual about the relationships that they use. Alternatively, perhaps the customer has some additional tables of their own devising that they want to utilise.

In this event, FastClose will work the customer to develop a catalog override file that captures these changes.

The override file can be uploaded to the FastClose server using the "Upload Override Catalog" button in the main catalog screen.

Settings in the override file always take priority and supercede those in the base catalog file.