Installing FastClose Server in IIS

Install of FastClose Server in Internet Information Services (IIS)


FastClose Server is written in ASP.NET Core, currently v6.0. The instructions listed below aren’t the only way to configure FastClose in IIS, but they are the steps which we have tested. You could create a separate website with a different port number rather than using the default website, it’s completely up to you.

Installing FastClose Server under IIS is optional: the installation includes a built-in web server, so can simply run as a Windows service, and many of our customers are happy with this. Only install under IIS if you require TLS for https connections, for example.


To run FastClose server inside IIS you should:


When completed, verify the installation with http://localhost


FastClose Server Install

Double click the FastClose Server installer. You can either install to:


IIS Configuration

Create IIS Website

Note that the Physical Path should match the install location you specified when installing FastClose Server.

The Port can be any value you want that is free on your web server.

Amending the Application Pool



If you installed FastClose Server anywhere other than in [DriveLetter]:inetput\wwwroot, then you will have to set Read and Execute permissions on the folder for the “IIS Users” user.

Click "Edit..." and then "Add..."


Add the "IIS Users" and ensure it has "Read & Execute" permission.




There may be a message stating the the repository requires upgrading. If so, click the link and then click the “Upgrade Repository” button.

Once the repository is upgraded, you can log in with the Administrator user. The default password is supplied separately and we recommend changing this as soon as possible.

Completing the Install - Clients, Templates and Firewalls

As your desired port is not usually open, it will probably be necessary to open it on the server firewall.

It is also necessary to install the templates, and desktop clients on user machines.

Instructions as to how to do all of this can be found in the standard installation instructions here.

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